We are launching a Yankee Candle Online Fundraiser today. This will be an online sale only.

Anyone can participate and earn 40% of the total of all the items you sell toward your individual Fair Share.

You can access our online store through this link:




Once you enter the store, you’ll want to go to the upper right-hand corner and click on the tab labeled “seller log-in” and register your child/self as a seller. This is how we can track the orders that come through in your name and give your student credit towards their Fair Share. You’ll need the following info to get registered:

Our Customer/Group Number-990004522


Once you’ve registered as a seller, you will receive a seller id. You can send our store link along with your seller id to friends, family, and anyone else you’d like so they can purchase through you. You can share the link on any social media platform. All orders will be shipped to the individual customers who place them. No ordering and having the entire order come to you and then you having to do the deliveries.

There’s even a mobile app so you can register from your phone! From your phone, you can post to Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and text or email your selected contacts.


Android Users- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobiquityinc.ycf816177&hl=en


I-phone users- https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/yankee-fundraising/id1023988175?mt=8


Step 1: Download YANKEE FUNDRAISING mobile app using the link above

Step 2: Click 'REGISTER' - enter group number - click box 'I am 13'

Step 3: Enter SELLER’S Name, Email, and any password you like then click REGISTER. (screen shot the next page to save your user ID) ALL SET!!