Uniform Contracts Out This Week!

We have finished fitting students for this years uniforms and our Uniform Mom, Barb Rutherford,  will be sending out the Uniform contracts this week - so please keep an eye out for them. The contract fee is $65.00 and payment information will be with the contract. Parents of returning students, please remind your student to try on their marching shoes to make sure they still fit! If your student needs new shoes, have them see Barb after practices this week. She will be placing the shoe order within the week to make sure they are received to wear for the first football game.  All new students have also been fitted for their shoes. The cost is $40.00, and the money for the shoes and contracts are due by Aug 24th, 2015. If you have any question feel free to contact Barb Rutherford at Goingcrazywith4@aol.com.