Tarpons Springs Competition Itinerary 10/17

Saturday, October 17 - Tarpon Springs Competition

9:00 am                Rehearsal

11:15 pm              Practice Field Entry

11:30 pm              Runthrough

12:00 pm              Shine Instruments and prepare for truck loading.

12:15 pm              Instruments to truck – QM and Front Ensemble load      

                             Lunch and Rest!

3:20 pm                All Students Report Time

3:40 pm                Inspection - half dress - load buses

3:55 pm                Depart SHS

5:25 pm                Arrive TSHS - Unload Equipment

6:35 pm                Ready for Warm Up

6:55 pm                Move to Warm Up

7:00 pm                Enter Warm Up Rotation

8:15 pm                Performance

8:30 pm                Entire Band returns to trucks to load equipment

8:55 pm                Students to concessions - BRING MONEY! Pit Dads and select students continue to load truck.

10:15 pm              Retreat - Officers and Seniors

11:00 pm              To Buses

11:15 pm              Depart TSHS

12:30 pm              Arrive SHS - unload equipment

1:00 am                Dismissed