Hello Band Families.


For the many who were not at the booster meeting last night, we are reaching out for your help. For the last six weeks we have been communicating via weekly email and Facebook messages that the permission slip for this Saturday’s Tarpon Springs Outdoor Music Festival needed to be completed and returned by all families, as it was accidentally left out of the initial forms packets that all students received.


As of Tuesday, before the booster meeting, only 27 students had returned the necessary signed permission slip. That leaves 96 students for which we are still missing this permission slip. We travel in 4 days. This is a problem. Student leadership will be distributing hard copies to students in class tomorrow. It is very important that you ask your student for this form, sign it and have it returned into the blue box before Thursday night’s rehearsal. That’s when the box will be checked again.


If you’d rather download and print the form yourself, rather than waiting on your student - all forms can be found in the band website (www.seminoleband.org) under Boosters > Download Forms. You may also scan and email the form to Kendra Ford at mamafordshs@gmail.com.


We need your help to remain compliant with PCSB policies.


Thank you for your prompt attention to this.