SAVE THE DATE – Saturday, October 5TH!

The 43rd Annual Seminole Sound Spectacular is scheduled for Saturday October 5th, 2019. Marching Bands from all over the state will attend our event. We will need everyone’s help to make this the successful as it has been in the past.  Please plan now so you can be scheduled off work or if you need someone to help watch your children.  This event cannot happen without everyone’s help!  Friends & family are welcome to volunteer too.


Your family & friends can purchase a season ticket now that will include admission to Sound.  This is an event they will not want to miss!  Contact Emily Simpson to purchase tickets. 502-378-2102. 


Sitting is limited during this event and we ask that our parents not sit in the stands to watch the performance.  The students will be performing the night before at the football game. Please come and watch them perform then.  During Seminole Sound, we need your help by volunteering.


Seminole Sound Advertising – Fundraising Opportunity

You can earn donations toward your Fairshare by selling ads for the Seminole Program.  50% of the ad cost will be applied to your student’s fair share account.


Full page – 7” wide x 10” tall - $200

Half page – 7” wide x 5” tall - $150

Quarter page – 3.5” wide x 5” tall - $100

Business card – 3.5” wide x 2.5” tall - $50


Please check the “LIVE” list of contacted companies prior to approaching a company and asking if they would like to advertise.  This list will be updated daily.  The list can be found on the bands Facebook page or you can click on the following link:


If you approach a company to advertise, please send an email listing the date you asked, the company name & location if it is a chain business, and your students name.  Send email to:


Golf Carts

If you, a family member, neighbor, work, or someone else you know has a golf cart that we could borrow on Saturday, October 5th, you would make our work so much easier.  We need anywhere from 6 to 10 golf carts to setup, run the event, and take down in the evening.  Please let Beckie Biglin know if you can help at



If you, a family member, neighbor, work, or someone else you know has a flatbed trailer with side railings and a ramp, please let us know.  We use these to transport band equipment during the performance from the practice site at Bauder Elementary to Seminole High School student parking entrance.  We need anywhere from 6 to 10 trailers.  We will also need drivers to pull the trailers.  If this is something you would be able to help with, please let Beckie Biglin know at