Seminole Visual is back!!! It will be held in our gym on Saturday, March 16th.  Ad sales for the program are on sale now.  Once you contact a company and ask them to advertise, please email Beckie Biglin at shsbbspecialevents@gmail.com so they can be added to the “ALREADY BEEN CONTACTED” list.

Fair Share:  50% of Business Ad’s will be put in your fair share account. 

Business Ad Cost

·           Inside Front Cover – Glossy Color: Contact Beckie for pricing & availability prior to offering

·           Inside Back Cover – Glossy Color:  Contact Beckie for pricing & availability prior to offering

·           Back Cover – Glossy Color:  Contact Beckie for pricing & availability prior to offering

·           Full Page: $200

·           Half Page: $150

·           Quarter Page: $100

·           Business Card: $50

Student Ad Cost (No Business Advertising)

·          Full Page: $50

·          Half Page: $37.50

·          Quarter Page: $25

Any questions please contact Beckie Biglin at shsbbspecialevents@gmail.com



The Seminole High School Band Aides Boosters in coordination with the Florida Federation of Color guards will host the Annual Seminole Visual Spectacular Competition on Saturday, March 16th, at the Seminole High School gym. We will need 'all hands on deck' to make this another successful event.

Schools are still signing up for this event, so we do not have the final count attending.  Shift times & quantity needed may change as we get closer to the event.

·         All volunteers need to wear their orange "SHOW HOST" shirts or the green SHS band boosters’ polo and khaki pants or shorts. Wear comfortable shoes.

·         Volunteers are not given free admission to the show unless they have volunteered/worked for eight hours or more

·         Volunteers get a meal tickets for every 4 hours that they work:

o   1 shift = 0 meal tickets

o   2 shifts = 1 meal ticket

o   3 shifts = 2 meal tickets

o   4 shifts = 3 meal tickets

·         There are several positions for students to sign up for volunteer hours.

As of 2/4/19, there are 281 volunteer positions and only 23 are filled.  We still need a lot more help in order to make this a success.

There are several items that we need to borrow or have donated in order to make this another successful event, including meals for our judge’s hospitality room.  Please look at the list below and sign up where you are able to help.  If you are letting us borrow an item, 1st THANK YOU, 2nd please make sure it is clearly marked with your family name on it so we can make sure it is returned.  If you are donating food items, please bring in a disposable container/tray if possible.

Volunteer Signup: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a054aaea729a6f58-2019

Visual Donations: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a054aaea729a6f58-20191

Contact Beckie Biglin at shsbbspecialevents@gmail.com with any questions.