Volunteer Help Needed in All Areas

As a reminder, your student is part of an award winning, nationally renowned program that functions solely on volunteer manpower. We need each and every family to contribute volunteer hours.  In the quick links section below, and on our website quick links section on the homepage, you will find many opportunities to volunteer. Water Duty, Football Game Concessions, Prop and Semi Construction – you name it, we need your help. Please, if you are currently not signed up to help, do so today! If you have questions about where you would best be utilized, contact Kelly DiRoma at bjcmom99@aol.com. She would be happy to help direct you into an area that would be enjoyable for you and helpful for the program and for your student!

An immediate need is help at the Trop THIS FRIDAY – please consider giving up one evening to help staff our stand. THANKS!
