Senior / Middle School Night

Hey y’all  - while we all take the day to recover from Seminole Sound, please be thinking about where you can help with Senior/Middle School night on Friday, October 16th. Remember that this night is to honor our Seniors and their families, so we ask that Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior families step up to plan, execute, and donate meals for this one night. Details are below – please help in as many areas as you can!!

  1.  Food Donations – after the game, we will be hosting a reception for seniors and their families. This year, we have 24 seniors, and expect to feed 85-100 people. We need heavy appetizer type food, and drinks. Don’t forget – before you know it, you will be a senior parent, too – so jump in to make this great and show our senior families how much we appreciate their efforts over the last four years!   Please sign up here:
  1. Volunteer Help - there are several areas that need to be manned. We need help decorating and setting up the room. We need a photographer. And we need someone to greet senior families and pin on their corsages.   Please sign up here:
  1. Concessions Stand – there are several senior families that normally work in concessions at our home games. We need to fill those spots – both stand workers and grillers.   Please sign up here:
  1. Middle School Help – we will also be welcoming our Middle Schoolers on Friday evening – this is usually their first Marching Band experience, and we want to make them feel like family, as they are the future of our program! We will need volunteers to supervise, serve them snacks, and lead them to and from the field.