More Volunteers = More Money to Your Fair Share!!

We’re actively seeking a commitment from volunteers for Raymond James concessions. We have to commit before we secure our contract, and the number of volunteers directly affects the type of concession stand we can work – and therefore, the amount of money we raise. It would benefit the team if you commit by today, Friday the 13th. We’re trying to lock in 2 beer stands for our team.

Click on this link https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090f48acaa2ba64-raymond to see all of the available dates you can choose from to volunteer.

REMEMBER, this money goes directly to your Fair Share. Choose the events that work for you NOW so we can secure the best contract possible!!

P.S.  You can install this app on your smartphone and connect via that or your computer. We email Raymond James Friday night, so it is very important that we get people to sign up right away. If Beer Stands 1 & 2 are full you can still sign up for the Alternate spots. We may be able to get more beer stands or corners, or even food portables. The sooner we know about the alternates, the sooner we can lock you in on a beverage cart.