Game Itinerary:

Attire:  Students should come dressed in white t-shirts, black shorts, black tall socks, and marching shoes. No jewelry or nail polish. All long hair must be in a high bun.   Be sure shoes are clean. 

Items for Warhawk bag:  Money for gloves ($7.00 cash only, exact change appreciated, or check payable to SHSBB).  NOTE:  Gloves may need to be purchased multiple times during season as they must be clean to pass inspection.  Please remember to send money for concessions!  Also bring music lyres and flip books for stand music.  Students may bring snacks for the bus, but may want to eat something before report time.  

4:00pm            Truck arrives, QM’s report to begin loading; Student Report Time – student meeting/uniform protocol

4:30pm            Load instruments to semi.  Uniform room opened for uniform distribution; glove sales.  Brass shine instruments.

5:30pm            Uniform Inspection

5:45pm            Load Buses

6:00pm            Depart SHS

6:30pm            Arrive at Largo High School, unload equipment, assigned chaperones to stands to secure bleachers and place bleacher covers

7:00pm            Enter Stadium

7:30pm            Kick off; football game begins

8:00pm            Approximate:  2nd quarter marching band sections warm up

8:45pm            Approximate:  Half-time marching band performances by Largo High School & Seminole High School

9:15pm            Approximate:  3rd quarter privilege – Band sent to the concession stand for food and social time.  Bring Money!  ($3 - $10)

10:00pm          Approximate: End of Game, load equipment

10:45pm          Approximate:  Depart Largo High School

11:15pm          Approximate:  Arrive SHS, unload equipment.  Students are dismissed only when uniform is properly hung, your instrument/equipment is put away, and facilities and bus are cleaned of trash.

11:45pm          Students Dismissed