It’s not too early to start hitting the pavement and selling ads for Seminole Sound. Attached is a list of previously contacted businesses so that the parent who contacted them last year has the first opportunity to contact the same. After two weeks, all is fair game – July 30th.  Please note that we will not be printing a Seminole Visual Program this year. So we will not be selling Gold Sponsorship ads for Sound. Prices are the same this year for all ads.

The ad sales forms will be available at the Booster Meeting Tuesday and will be sent out in an e-mail later this week. Sometime after July 30th, we’ll post another contacted businesses update so that you know which businesses NOT to contact. Please keep Kim Bernstein informed as you sell ads so that we don’t duplicate efforts. If you have any questions, please email Kim Bernstein @

Fair Share Credit for Ad Sales

·      If you sell $500 or less in ads, 50% of the total of your ad sales goes in your Fair Share.

·      If you sell $501 - $1,000 in ads, 60% of the total of your ad sales goes in your Fair Share.

·      If you sell over $1,000 in ads, 70% of the total of your ad sales goes in your Fair Share.

·      The family that has the highest dollar amount of ads sold will receive 75% of the total of their ad sales in their Fair Share.