Hey Parents! The Winter Season is upon us, and all of our Winter Programs are firing up! Each program will have a mandatory parent meeting that each student, along with at least one parent, is required to attend. These meetings will discuss scheduling, meals, attire, show dates, volunteer needs, and Fair Share (financial) contributions. It is imperative that you attend these meetings - if for some reason you encounter an extenuating circumstance and cannot attend, please notify your program director, and they will arrange for you to be contacted with the materials discussed. Please join us and be a part of what makes our Program great - FAMILIES!

Dates are as follows:

Winter Guard - Friday, December 14 at 5:30pm

Indoor Percussion - Saturday, December 15 at 8:30pm

Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, High Noon Jazz Band, and All In Big Band - Monday, December 17 at 7:00pm

At each meeting, a $100 Participation Pledge will be collected from each student. Please bring a cash or a check for $100 made out to SHSBB. This amount will be deducted from your Fair Share total - the amount and schedule for payments will be announced at the meetings! This Participation Pledge is so important to the programs, as it gives them the startup funding needed to begin ordering music, uniforms, floors, etc. THANK YOU for your participation!

There will be signs posted as to where meetings will take place - with all programs rehearsing and Winter Concerts taking place, space is very limited, and meeting places are TBA for now!

Thanks in advance for attending, and we will see you SOON!