Seminole Sound Program Advertising

It's time to start hitting the pavement and sell ads for Seminole Sound. This is a great way to raise money towards your fair share.

50% Fair Share Credit for Business Ad Sales

Please download the Seminole Sound Program Ad Form. Place the completed form, ad/graphic, and payment into a sealed envelope marked "Sound Ad - Special Events". Then drop it in the blue box. You can drop off a flyer with the business. Download and print here.

Below, you will find a list of local companies. For the first two weeks, starting July 10th, the companies in red are locked to only the student that sold an ad to them last year. On July 24th, all companies will be available for all students. Last day to sell ads are September 15th. You are also able to contact new companies. If you do, please send the new companies information to

When you sell an ad - please come back here and specify which company bought. An email will be sent to the boosters for review.
When you contact a company - please come back here and indicate you have contacted them already. An email will be sent to the boosters for review.

If a company needs to send graphics or logos for the ad, please have them send it to

The list will be updated within 2 hrs of approved changes.

Important: If a company has already been contacted by a student, other students are not permitted to contact them.

Local Company List

Select unsure if you contacted the company but are waiting for a decision.
Red = Blocked, Orange = Already Contacted